Friday, October 24, 2014

[The Wonder of Tech] Kyocera Brigadier - A Phone for Function, Not Fashion

By on 4:32 AM

The Wonder of Tech has posted a new item, 'Kyocera Brigadier - A Phone for
Function, Not Fashion'

Imagine never having to worry about dropping your phone. It could land on the
pavement, in a puddle of water and you wouldn't fret. You just pick it up and
continue on your merry way, without giving your fumble a second thought.
Whether you have an adventurous lifestyle, a rigorous job or tend to be clumsy,
you [...]

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Carolyn Nicander Mohr
Judul: [The Wonder of Tech] Kyocera Brigadier - A Phone for Function, Not Fashion
Review oleh: Tukang Coding |
Update pada: 4:32 AM | Rating: 4.5

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