Sony Xperia Smartphone Z3 has indeed been officially introduced by Sony. But at the same time, Japan's companies also released the premium smartphone named Xperia Z3 Compact. The phone itself can be said to constitute the Z3 with a smaller screen version. Interestingly, this smartphone is claimed to have a rechargeable battery lasting up to two days. The two-day durability based on results of tests conducted by Sony.
Smartphone Xperia Z3 Compact it comes with a screen measuring 4.6 inches, a size that is quite unique when compared with most smartphones on the market. The screen has a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixel HD. Meanwhile on the inside, there are operating system Android and Snapdragon processors 4.4 the KitKat 801 2, 5 GHz and supported by 330 Adreno GPU. Selian, there is 2 GB of RAM.
In addition, this smartphone has a main camera and supports 20MP PS4 Remote Play. On the front, it had a secondary camera Mobile 2.2 MP which can be used for photos or video calling selfie. The phone is also equipped with waterproof feature (IPX5 and IPX8) and resistant to dust (IP6X). Surely taking photos in the water with this smartphone can also be done.
Regarding the price, Sony also provide information if the phone is pegged for 429 euros, or the equivalent of 6.5 million dollars. There are four color options provided, i.e. White, black, red and blue.
Smartphone Xperia Z3 Compact it comes with a screen measuring 4.6 inches, a size that is quite unique when compared with most smartphones on the market. The screen has a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixel HD. Meanwhile on the inside, there are operating system Android and Snapdragon processors 4.4 the KitKat 801 2, 5 GHz and supported by 330 Adreno GPU. Selian, there is 2 GB of RAM.
In addition, this smartphone has a main camera and supports 20MP PS4 Remote Play. On the front, it had a secondary camera Mobile 2.2 MP which can be used for photos or video calling selfie. The phone is also equipped with waterproof feature (IPX5 and IPX8) and resistant to dust (IP6X). Surely taking photos in the water with this smartphone can also be done.
Regarding the price, Sony also provide information if the phone is pegged for 429 euros, or the equivalent of 6.5 million dollars. There are four color options provided, i.e. White, black, red and blue.
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